
Mon 14 November 2022

Facebook收购VR游戏制作公司Sanzaru Games

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新浪科技讯 北京时间2月26日早间消息,据国外媒体报道,Facebook公司表示,他们已经收购了游戏开发企业Sanzaru Games,该公司将加入Facebook公司虚拟现实(VR)部门的Oculus游戏集团。

According to foreign media reports, Facebook said it has acquired sanzaru games, a game development company, which will join oculus game group of virtual reality (VR) Department of Facebook.

根据Sanzaru公司的主页,这家公司是很多游戏的开发者,其中包括刺猬索尼克(SonictheHedgehog)和很多漫才游戏。该公司 受欢迎的VR游戏是Asgardswrath,该游戏于去年10月正式上线,获得玩家高分,被选为年度 佳游戏排行榜。

Facebook本周二表示,Sanzaru拥有员工接近100人,其中“绝大部分”将加入Facebook的Oculus部门,包括该公司创始人。该公司将继续在其当前的办公室内独立运营。双方并未透露本次收购的条款。在本次收购之间几个月,Facebook刚刚收购了Beat Games,后者是另一款著名VR游戏《Beat Saber》的开发商。


"We are exploring a number of ways to accelerate the development of VR," a Facebook spokesman said in an email. We believe it's a good thing to develop content outside oculus and Facebook. Nevertheless, in order to provide complete support for content development and enhance the user experience, it is also meaningful for us to have a deeper control over development. "