
Mon 14 November 2022

脸书谷歌亚马逊等联手白宫 组成特别应对小组抗击疫情

Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/detail   

网易科技讯 3月16日消息,据外媒报道,Facebook、谷歌、微软以及亚马逊等美国多家科技巨头已与白宫联手,组成专注于应对新型冠状病毒疫情的特别工作组。

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上述科技巨头的代表于美国当地时间周日举行了长达1个小时的会议,与会者还包括美国首席技术官迈克尔·克瑞特西奥斯(Michael Kratsios)等白宫官员。会议讨论了众多主题,包括如何在不访问医疗保健服务提供者的情况下识别居民,以及企业如何根据疾病管理和预防设施进行合作。

Representatives of the technology giants held an hour long meeting on Sunday local time, including White House officials such as chief technology officer Michael kratsios. A number of topics were discussed, including how to identify residents without visiting health care providers, and how businesses can collaborate on disease management and prevention facilities.
