
Mon 14 November 2022

劲爆干货贴!5月最新Tik Tok选品报告出炉free 美国版抖音 likes no survey

Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/detail   


抖音在国内成为了现象级App,Tik Tok也表现不俗,目前TikTok可在150多个 地区下载,SensorTower发布的报告称,TikTok已经突破20亿下载人次,我们看到:

1   TikTok在全球的App Store和GooglePlay上已下载超过20亿次。

2   印度、 、美国是下载量 多的 ,分别占比30.3%、9.7%、8.2%。

3   扣除 区的抖音的下载量1.966亿次,海外版的TikTok大概在18亿次左右!

那么流量红利期,我们该如何冷静分析积极应对呢?这里我们整理了一份新鲜出炉的Tik Tok选品报告,请各位及时收藏以供参考~ 

以上是部分Tik Tok选品数据,想要获取完整版资料请添加小助理号回复“TT”


以上的选品报告仅为部分资料,完整资料包括欧美整区、欧洲区、中东区、东南亚、 等地域的选品资料,需要的朋友请添加小助理号回复“TT”领取。


Recently, from the perspective of overall delivery effect, due to the strong growth of tiktok's traffic, tiktok's overall advertising delivery effect (ROI) is better than other channels. It is recommended that you seize this wave of traffic dividends. At present, tiktok advertisements can be launched in Europe and the United States, the shopping cart function is gradually facing the market, and the domestic well-known KOL has also entered. However, before entering, it is recommended that you make a preliminary analysis of yourself and the market. Although we have played through the domestic Tiktok, we still need to consider the "exotic customs" when entering a foreign country. After Tiktok becomes tiktok, it may not be so simple / complex.free 美国版抖音 likes no survey


How to enter the market is what we need to consider. Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. After doing a preliminary analysis, we can learn more from experts in the industry to avoid repeated failures. As mentioned earlier, thanks to your support, our resources are becoming more and more abundant, so we invited tiktok industry experts to explain the relevant content and broaden our horizons in our offline class. The specific course information will be sent out soon, and the specific content structure will be introduced at that time. There are many training institutions in the market, and many people are cut and cut as leeks, but we only apply fertilizer. It is our vision to build a cross-border marketing circle that can provide all-round value. It is our mission and happiness to help you grow as cross-border e-merchants.free 美国版抖音 likes no survey