
Mon 14 November 2022


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据俄罗斯卫星通讯社sputniknews报道全球数据分析平台“感应塔”(Sensor Tower)发布的数据显示,字节跳动公司旗下的短视频共享移动应用TikTok在全球 受欢迎移动应用排行榜中居首位。

According to the data released by sensor tower, a global data analysis platform, tiktok, a short video sharing mobile application owned by byte beat, ranks first in the world's most popular mobile applications, sputniknews reported.

TikTok在Google Play商店和苹果应用商店均排名 。整体排名第二的是脸书。

上述排名基于移动应用的收入水平。据悉,2020年9月TikTok的用户在付费服务上支出了1.305亿美元,是2019年9月的7.9倍,其中89%的收入来自 ,6%的来自美国,1%来自土耳其。

SensorTower初步估计显示,今年第三季度,全球消费者在移动应用上的支出达到293亿美元,同比增长32%,其中苹果App Store为190亿美元;在苹果App Store和Google Play上的应用安装量则攀升至365亿,同比增长23.3%,其中来自苹果App Store的应用为82亿个。

According to the preliminary estimate of sensortower, in the third quarter of this year, global consumer spending on mobile applications reached $29.3 billion, up 32% year-on-year, of which Apple App store was $19 billion; The number of apps installed on Apple App store and Google play rose to 36.5 billion, up 23.3% year on year, including 8.2 billion apps from Apple App store.