
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/detail   


Recently, Facebook threatened to suspend its business in Europe to prevent the release of its landmark ruling on data transmission to the United States. Facebook warned that it would withdraw from the European market if the Irish Data Protection Commission banned it from sharing data with the US after the landmark ruling of the European Court of justice in July. The European Court of Justice ruled that Facebook did not take sufficient security measures to prevent the invasion of US intelligence agencies. Facebook's Assistant Legal Officer wrote in the Dublin lawsuit that the enforcement of the ban would make the company's business in Europe inoperable.

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伊冯·科南表示:“如果Facebook被迫停止将用户数据完全转移到美国,如何继续为欧盟提供服务将成为一个未知数”。Facebook否认该声明是威胁,称其只是对事实的简单反映,而Facebook发言人表示,该公司没有威胁退出欧洲。提交给爱尔兰 高法院的法律文件说明了一个简单的事实:Facebook和许多其他公司、机构和服务供应商都依赖于欧盟和美国之间的数据传输来维持其运营。缺乏安全和合法性的 数据传输将损害经济,并阻碍依赖欧盟数据的业务增长。

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作为回应,Facebook全球事务及通讯部门负责人尼克·克莱格在博客上指出,“ 数据传输对全球经济、我们日常生活中的多项基本服务均起着支持作用”。克莱格写道,“在 坏的情况下,这意味着德国的一家小型初创科技企业将不能再使用美国的云服务供应商提供的服务”。

In response, Nick Clegg, head of global affairs and communications at Facebook, pointed out on his blog that "international data transmission supports the global economy and many basic services in our daily life.". "In the worst case, this means that a small start-up technology company in Germany will no longer be able to use the services provided by cloud service providers in the United States," Clegg wrote.