
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/detail   


据外媒报道,应用数据公司Sensor Tower的数据显示,9月,抖音海外版TikTok在美国的安装量超过了Facebook、Instagram、Snapchat和YouTube。

Sensor Tower的数据显示,9月29日,TikTok的日下载量也超过上述4款应用,占这组应用总下载量的29.7%。自那时以来,TikTok在这些应用中的下载量占比还在不断上升。几天前,即10月30日,这个比例达到了42.4%。

According to sensor tower, the daily downloads of tiktok also exceeded the above four apps on September 29, accounting for 29.7% of the total downloads of this group of apps. Since then, tiktok's share of downloads in these applications has continued to rise. A few days ago, on October 30, the proportion reached 42.4%.

9月份,TikTok的安装量环比上升31%。在苹果App Store和谷歌Play中的总下载量约为381万次,超过了排名第二的Facebook。后者的 安装次数为353万次。


随着大量新用户加入TikTok,这个应用已经超过了AppStore中一些领先的社交应用。目前,TikTok的排名领先于Facebook(第七)和Messenger(第五),排名第四。但仍落后于YouTube( )、Instagram(第二)、Snapchat(第三)。

不过根据App Annie的数据,在某些时候,TikTok在免费应用的总排名中 高达到过第三。


Apptopia, an applied research organization, has reported similar data on the rise of tiktok. But apptopia points out that the app's participation rate (the proportion of daily active users to monthly active users) still lags behind other apps. Apptopia said that tiktok's participation rate was 29%, compared with 96% for Facebook and 95% for instagram, snapchat and Youtube.


今年6月,TikTok报告称,应用进入了150个 和地区,全球月活跃用户数达到5亿。作为对比,Instagram当时的月活跃用户数为10亿。(编译/陈桦)