
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/detail   

北京时间7月2日下午消息,据外媒报道,在收到《纽约时报》的图片版权投诉后,Twitter今日删除了美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)发布在Twitter上的一张图片。

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The image was posted on twitter by trump on June 30 local time. In this picture with a black background, trump sits on a chair facing the camera, making a gesture of suspected shooting with his right hand. The picture has four lines of white text: "in fact, they are not behind me, but behind you. I'm just in the way. "


This background photo was taken by a photographer in the New York Times and published in a feature article on then presidential candidate trump in September 2015. Twitter has removed the photo after receiving a complaint from the New York Times. The message currently displayed is: "this picture has been removed in response to a report from the copyright owner."

这是Twitter对特朗普发布的内容进行标记或删除所采取的 新行动。5月26日,Twitter 对特朗普采取行动,将他的一系列“推文”打上了应进行“事实核查”的警示标签。
