
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/detail   

Facebook 近差点和欧盟撕破脸。


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那么问题来了,为什么Facebook宁担巨大损失,也要坚持把数据传输回美国?对外经贸大学 关系学院副教授王海滨表示,Facebook此举背后有美国政府的影子,与美国战略密不可分。




而这些分享给美国政府的数据去哪了呢?想想“棱镜”计划就知道了, 后都流入到了美国情报机构的手里。

而且这个“自由”是双标,美国用户的数据是 机密,谁也不能碰!看看TikTok的遭遇就知道了,对美国用户数据保护得再好,美国政府都得挑刺整你!




However, in late July, an Irish court ruled that data protection in the United States did not meet EU standards, making the "European and American privacy shield" Agreement invalid. For the United States, this is tantamount to discarding all previous achievements and directly causing tension in US European relations. This is the case in Europe. For the Asia Pacific region, the United States mainly tries to build a free cross-border data flow circle led by the United States by means of multilateral agreements. In the field of digital trade, the model formulated by the comprehensive and advanced trans Pacific trade partnership (cptpp) shall prevail. Although the United States has no intention to join the cptpp, the rules on cross-border flow of trade data previously formulated are inherited by the North American Free Trade Agreement (usmca); In the field of personal privacy protection, the "cross border privacy rules" (CBPR) model led by the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is the representative. At present, the United States and most of the member states in the two multilateral agreements are negotiating or have completed negotiations, trying to continue to maintain the U.S. initiative in rule-making.

美国如此霸道,有人不服怎么办?那就耍“长臂管辖权”这个流氓手段。这个故事咱们 人熟悉啊,为了打压TikTok美国用上各种手段;即使TikTok在美国设置了数据透明中心,将服务器放在美国,特朗普政府亦不愿意放手。美国政府的野心充分暴露,一切国外科技信息企业,只要有点实力,就面临美国“长臂管辖权”的打压。

The United States is so hegemonic. What if some people refuse to accept it? Then play "long arm jurisdiction" as a rogue means. We Chinese are familiar with this story. In order to suppress tiktok, the United States used various means; Even if tiktok sets up a data transparency center in the United States and places servers in the United States, the trump government is not willing to let go. The ambition of the U.S. government has been fully exposed. All foreign scientific and technological information enterprises, as long as they have some strength, will face the suppression of the "long arm jurisdiction" of the United States.

美欧的博弈还将继续,TikTok的事也还在继续谈。究竟是美国的“自由”说了算,还是全世界的用户隐私重要,就看包括 在内的全世界如何努力了。
