
Mon 14 November 2022

Instagram宣布整合在线购物与短视频功能 增强与TikTok竞争力

Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/detail   

Instagram 自动按赞


目前,在Instagram上的品牌和创作者可以为自己的视频打上产品标签,当用户对某一商品感兴趣时就可以直接将其添加到购物车。Instagram总裁Adam Mosseri表示,“为创造者创造有意义方式,帮助他们谋生这很重要,否则他们就会失去竞争力,像Snap和谷歌的YouTube一样。”

At present, brands and creators on instagram can label their videos, and when users are interested in a product, they can directly add it to the shopping cart. Adam mosseri, President of instagram, said, "it's important to create meaningful ways for creators to help them make a living, or they will lose competitiveness, like snap and Google's YouTube."

Adam Mosseri相信,未来5-10年,Instagram将在购物领域有着巨大的长期机会。(完)