
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/detail   


Instagram 自动点赞





(2)选择优质的图片和视频上传至INS,这个建议 发一条就可以,发多了别人看了会比较烦。发图片和视频有一个关键点就是要学会用话题(#加关键词或大品牌的名称)这样你的图片除了推荐给你关注的人之外,还会推荐给关注这个话题的人,直接把你的传播范围扩大了,如果客户对你产品感兴趣,会私信给你。

(2) Choose high-quality pictures and videos to upload to INS. This suggestion can be sent one a day. If you send more, others will be annoyed. One of the key points of sending pictures and videos is to learn to use topics (# add keywords or big brand names). In this way, your pictures will be recommended not only to people who pay attention to you, but also to people who pay attention to this topic, directly expanding the scope of your communication. If customers are interested in your products, they will send you private messages.


(5)每天花点时间浏览已关注客户的 新动态,积极互动(点赞,评论),加深客户对你的印象


Compared with INS, there are also FB, youtube, quora, tiktok, reddit, tweet and so on. In fact, the idea is the same. If you take out high-quality content and let customers pay for it, the customer base and advantages of each platform are not the same. If you make cosmetics and clothes, ins will be better. If it's hand-made, tiktok and FB will watch a lot, Of course, this is not absolute. You can spread your net and catch big fish.

当然, 重要的还是你的内容要好,有创意,能吸引人来看,在你的受众中找到成交的客户。