
Mon 14 November 2022

惊心动魄!比亚迪10亿美元口罩要凉凉了?美国又出幺蛾子了,F|您需要停止的4个Facebook错误|这几类Instagram Stories快拍的播放量和完成度

Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

今年4月,FDA曾发出公告,宣布46家位于 的口罩工厂获得紧急使用授权(EUA),除3M 、Creative Concepts等外资企业外,其余的企业几乎为 本土生厂商,包括奥美医疗、比亚迪、中鼎检测等。

In April this year, FDA issued an announcement announcing that 46 mask factories in China have obtained emergency use authorization (EUA). Except for foreign-funded enterprises such as 3M China and creative concepts, the rest are almost local manufacturers in China, including Ogilvy medical, BYD and Zhongding testing.