
Mon 14 November 2022

如何开发优质的Facebook Deal群组?|如何设置与编辑Instagram商家主页?|全方位解读|Facebook的搜索是怎么做的?

Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   


It has to be said that the article of F family is as strong as ever. This paper explains the whole process of recall from an engineering point of view. Whether it is semantic information retrieval recall or recommendation recall, it is worth learning. After working in the direction of embedding recall a few months ago, I deeply feel that this paper has a lot to summarize and think about for the students who do recall.

社交网络中的搜索除了要考虑传统web搜索中的query文本,搜索人所处的上下文也是需要重点考虑的,其中Facebook搜索场景中特有的社交图谱便是典型的一种上下文。尽管向量检索(Embedding_based Retrieval,EBR)已经广泛应用于web搜索,但是Facebook的搜索还是沿用之前的布尔匹配。这篇论文也是从升级Facebook搜索系统开始,总结Facebook将Embedding技术应用到其搜索场景过程中的踩坑经验。