
Mon 14 November 2022

9.10更新丨AAA product 914全球范围上线|巴基斯坦TikTok禁令仅实施10日便被解除|4月第一周12360一周热点问题

Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

第三个误区就是在给客户回复的报价邮件中忽略了邮件正文主要内容的重要性。虽然回复询盘是外贸业务员日常生活中经常会做的一件事情,但也要视情况而定。首先回复询盘时,报价单肯定是必不可少的,除此之外,我们在邮件正文上也要下一番功夫才行,对于外贸函电中的简明扼要的 基本要求,我们肯定还是要极可能满足的,争取可以充分利用我们在邮件正文中组织的每一个单词和每一句话,表达我们的所想表达的主要信息,尽可能使可以读完一封邮件后,可以直接明白我们所诉诸的要求和表达的重要信息量。

The third misunderstanding is that the importance of the main content of the email body is ignored in the quotation email replied to the customer. Although answering inquiries is a common thing in the daily life of foreign trade salesmen, it also depends on the situation. First of all, when replying to the inquiry, the quotation must be essential. In addition, we also need to work hard on the main body of the email. We must be very likely to meet the most concise and basic requirements in foreign trade letters and telegrams, and strive to make full use of every word and sentence we organize in the main body of the email, Express the main information we want to express, so that after reading an email, we can directly understand the requirements we appeal to and the amount of important information we express.

第四个误区就是在报价标准上所出现的问题了。之所以说报价是一个很有技巧性的问题,那是因为有很大的客户一般是没有耐心的,因为你并不是他们 选定的合作对象,所以如果他们一听你给出的价格不合适的话,直接就没有下韵了,这时候也就意味着我们的贸易合作努力白费了。所以为了尽可能的留住客户,我们给出报价具体数字标准的时候, 好要做好充分的调研准备工作,从而在考虑客户和自身利益的基础上,给出一个双方都能接受的价格标准,不过也要为自己留出一定的还价空间,防止后期客户在压低我们给出的价格。