
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

据报道,TikTok及其母公司字节跳动对竞争对手Triller提起诉讼,要求美国法官还其清白。此前Triller指责TikTok在未经许可的情况下使用其技术。此前美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)宣布将禁止TikTok在美国运营业务,字节跳动当前正在与潜在收购方进行谈判,寻求出售TikTok的部分资产,这笔交易有可能将价值数百亿美元。

Tiktok and its parent company are reported to have filed a lawsuit against rival Triller, demanding a US judge to return his innocence. Previously, Triller accused tiktok of using its technology without permission. After US President Donald Trump announced that he would ban tiktok from operating in the US, he is currently negotiating with potential buyers to sell some of tiktok's assets, which could be worth tens of billions of dollars.
