
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

第二,为外贸开发信选择一个好的主题。一个好的主题在外贸开发信中起着画龙点睛的作用,可以为外贸开发信增色添彩不少。那么,我们要怎么选择这个外贸开发信的主题呢?我们要考虑好以下三点问题:首先是利益性因素。所谓的贸易合作,其实就是双方合作做生意,既然是做生意,当然是为了盈利了。而大家都对于自己有利的事物并不感冒,如果国外客户可以从你的外贸开发信主题中获得于自己有利的相关信息,相信他们肯定会选择去点开这个信函阅读一番吧。其次是弱点,即国外客户的痛点问题所在。如果你外贸开发信的主题可以有效戳中他们的痛点所在,会有效使其认识到自己还未解决的一些问题,既然是未解决的问题,那必然是有一定的棘手性的,他们肯定在需求一些解决方法,而这时你的提醒会让他们觉得获取你可以会提供一定的解决性帮助,所以他们在很大概率上也会点开你这封外贸信函来查看一番。 后是创意性。千篇一律的外贸开发信,谁都会写、谁都会发,长期看不仅会领国外客户产生视觉和思维疲倦,还会让他们感觉你很敷衍、并不重视他们。而如果我们在外贸开发信的主题中稍加一些幽默、新奇的创意因素,会有效调动他们的好奇心,从而诱导他们在万千中开发信中选择打开你的信函内容来阅读。

Second, choose a good theme for the foreign trade development letter. A good theme plays the role of the finishing touch in the foreign trade development letter and can add color to the foreign trade development letter. So, how do we choose the theme of this foreign trade development letter? We should consider the following three issues: the first is the interest factor. The so-called trade cooperation actually means that both sides cooperate in doing business. Since it is doing business, of course, it is for profit. Everyone is not interested in what is beneficial to them. If foreign customers can obtain relevant information beneficial to them from the topic of your foreign trade development letter, I believe they will choose to click on this letter to read it. The second is the weakness, that is, the pain point of foreign customers. If the theme of your foreign trade development letter can effectively stamp their pain points, it will effectively make them realize some unsolved problems. Since they are unsolved problems, they must be difficult. They must be in need of some solutions, and your reminder will make them feel that you can provide some solution help, So they will also click on your foreign trade letter to check it. The last is creativity. The same foreign trade development letter can be written and sent by anyone. In the long run, it will not only lead foreign customers to visual and thinking fatigue, but also make them feel that you are perfunctory and do not pay attention to them. If we add some humorous and novel creative factors to the theme of the foreign trade development letter, it will effectively mobilize their curiosity and induce them to choose to open your letter to read among thousands of development letters.