
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

#site_name#获悉,TikToker@Alexa Johnson的飞机护肤技巧意外大火,视频里@Alexa Johnson表示要乘坐飞机在感恩节探望父母,为防止她的脸因4.5个小时的长时间佩戴口罩所带来的布料刺激而感到干燥和皲裂,她摘下口罩并贴上了片状面膜,在长时间的飞行时间中完成了一波护肤。

#site_ Name # learned that, TikToker@Alexa In the video, @ Alexa Johnson said that she would visit her parents by plane on Thanksgiving. In order to prevent her face from feeling dry and chapped due to the irritation of the cloth caused by wearing the mask for 4.5 hours, she took off the mask and put on a piece of facial mask, and completed a wave of skin care in a long flight time.add likes to tik tok free,tik tok followers panel

@Alexa Johnson介绍了视频中使用的面膜Masque Bar Shield,这个面膜在美国 Target、在英国的 ASOS(如上图所示)Feel Unique 和亚马逊一样,价格是3.99 英镑。这款面膜在亚马逊上的五星好评率高达67%,而且库存紧急,只剩下7份,如下图所示: