
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   


When it comes to instagram, you may not be unfamiliar with it. It is also one of the best social platforms in foreign countries, and it is also a platform with a large amount of traffic to be mined! In addition to advertising with Facebook, there are many ways to get traffic from fan economy (fan Marketing). So what methods or techniques do we have after so long drainage? Let's study it together!

我们卖商品就必须知道如何为自己店铺引流,通常我们知道付费去google或者Facebook做广告,但是由于昂贵的广告费用会在你的广告组展示得几天后吓跑你,所以我们必须找到一种免费流量的方法,很多人做电商流量总是希望用 短时间去获得收益,而在这个过程中他只是偷懒,想随便投投广告就完事。但是实际上不管用什么方法,都必须精细化运作,下面我们就为你介绍Instagram的社交引流方法,对你有帮助。