
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

电子邮件开发信写好后,究竟发给谁呢?作为一个没有高科技技术的亚洲公司来说,没必要见人下菜碟,MANAGING DIRECTOR,VP之类碰见也好,也可以发电子邮件给采购之类,当然碰见工程师、技术员一类也可以发,你也不知道这类人是不是公司老板的亲属。

After the e-mail development letter is written, who will it be sent to? As an Asian company without high-tech technology, it's not necessary to meet people like management director and VP. You can also send e-mail to purchasing. Of course, you can also send e-mail to engineers and technicians. You don't know whether such people are relatives of the company's boss.