
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

如果您的银联卡上同时带有银联标识和Visa/Mastercard/American Express标识,并且同时支持人民币和一种外国货币,当您将它关联到PayPal个人账户时,该卡将被视为银联卡。如果您想要将此卡用作Visa/Mastercard/American Express,可以访问钱包页面并在卡详细信息中更改您的付款处理方。

If your UnionPay card has both UnionPay logo and visa / MasterCard / American Express logo, and supports both RMB and a foreign currency, when you associate it with PayPal personal account, the card will be regarded as UnionPay card. If you want to use this card as visa / MasterCard / American Express, you can access the wallet page and change your payment processor in the card details.