
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

比如Tiktok初期为创作者提供了创作者基金,通过这笔基金,刺激了创作者去发布Tiktok视频,这些内容聚集了一大批创作者和使用者作为平台的种子用户。种子用户积累完成以后,开始向电商转型,现在Tiktok Shop这样的小店开始在英国、印尼开通,美国也在内测。据我了解,目前Tiktok也内测了FBA,也就是意味着Tiktok小店可以直接使用FBA进行配送,不过这部分功能也是给早期的人在内测

For example, tiktok initially provided creators with a creator fund, which stimulated creators to publish tiktok videos. These contents gathered a large number of creators and users as seed users of the platform. After the accumulation of seed users, they began to transform to e-commerce. Now small stores such as tiktok shop have been opened in the UK and Indonesia, and the United States is also in internal testing. As far as I know, tiktok has also tested FBA in-house, which means that tiktok stores can directly use FBA for distribution, but this part of the function is also for early people to test in-housebuy cheap ins likes,daily IG likes
