
Mon 14 November 2022

Facebook将在9月为面向桌面版的所有用户推出新设计|2019年第一季度Facebook发现并删除了400万条仇恨|AppsFlyer 携手 Facebook Audience

Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

通过将Facebook Audience Network群组用户产生的收入与获客渠道绑定,广告主能够精确优化获客策略,提升ROAS(广告花费回报率)和LTV(生命周期价值)的精准度。游戏开发者基于更好的工具,持续获取高质量用户,打磨更加理想的用户体验,由此带来长期互动与收入增长。

By binding the revenue generated by users of Facebook audience network group with the customer acquisition channel, advertisers can accurately optimize the customer acquisition strategy and improve the accuracy of ROAs and LTV. Based on better tools, game developers can continuously obtain high-quality users and polish more ideal user experience, which will bring long-term interaction and revenue growth.
