
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

物流中心与境内保税监管区域之外地区间的进出货物管理。 物流中心货物进入境内视同进口,按照货物实际贸易方式和实际状态办理进口报关手续;货物从境内进入物流中心视同出口,由境内发货人办理出口报关手续,可以享受出口货物退(免)税政策。

Management of incoming and outgoing goods between the logistics center and areas outside the domestic bonded supervision area. The goods entering the territory of the logistics center shall be deemed to be imported, and the import declaration formalities shall be handled according to the actual trade mode and actual state of the goods; Goods entering the logistics center from China are deemed to be exported, and the domestic consignor can enjoy the tax refund (Exemption) policy for export goods after going through the export declaration formalities.