
Mon 14 November 2022

ins大神口授:史上最通俗的Instagram防封教程|Instagram将向用户建议封锁名单 杜绝闲杂人等|脸书谷歌亚马逊等联手白宫 组成特别应对小组抗击疫情

Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

营销人员 多可以跟踪100个不同的品牌页面,从而可以快速比较页面活动、参与度和受众群体的增长。要访问“观看页面”功能,先单击“见解”,然后在“5个 新帖子”部分的正下方找到“要观看的页面”选项卡。将您想要观看的页面添加到列表中,添加它们后,将鼠标悬停在名称上,单击并观看。Facebook提供了当前一周中每条帖子的详细视图,这样一来,你就可以在几秒钟内快速查看每个页面上的热门帖子。

Marketers can track up to 100 different brand pages to quickly compare page activity, engagement and audience growth. To access the view page feature, first click insights, and then find the pages to View tab right below the 5 latest posts section. Add the pages you want to watch to the list. After adding them, hover over the name, click and watch. Facebook provides a detailed view of every post in the current week, so you can quickly view the top posts on each page in seconds.
