
Mon 14 November 2022

“TikTok Pro”来了?原来是印度犯罪者的病毒传播谎言|Facebook将在总统就职典礼前删除包含“停止窃取大选”内|Instagram将Guides功能面向所有用户推出

Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

疫情的来袭使得社交媒体和电商行业都有了飞速的发展,关注海外社交媒体的朋友们应该都发现了,现在海外社媒的更新都朝着与电商融合的方向在走。FB前不久刚刚正式推出了自己的商店,而TikTok也在 近宣布了自己和Teespring的结合,Teespring是一个电子商务平台,允许人们创建和销售定制服装。这将使得TikTok的创作者可以将自己直接设计的商品出售给粉丝。

The outbreak has made the social media and e-commerce industry develop rapidly. Friends who pay attention to overseas social media should find that the updates of overseas social media are moving towards the direction of integration with e-commerce. FB has just officially launched its own store, and tiktok has recently announced its combination with teespring, an e-commerce platform that allows people to create and sell custom clothes. This will allow tiktok creators to sell products designed directly by themselves to their fans.
