
Mon 14 November 2022

TikTok运营避坑指南|Instagram_RCE:Instagram APP远程代|TikTok广告投放后数据太烂?那是因为你没做好优化

Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

提供在线视频制作和分享的Web应用服务商Animoto的报告显示,视频教程、销售视频和“TOP 5榜单”是消费者 喜欢品牌视频类型;在观看品牌视频时消费者 欣赏的三个功能是:直截了当的信息、引人注目的图像和引人入胜的故事。

According to the report of animoto, a web application service provider that provides online video production and sharing, video tutorial, sales video and "top 5 list" are the most favorite brand video types of consumers; When watching brand videos, the three functions that consumers appreciate most are: direct information, eye-catching images and fascinating stories.
