
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

图片中带有蓝色的东西有助于提高参与度,多使用浅色背景,看起来淡雅素净,衬托主题。不要使用有水印的图片,而且你自己也不要加水印这样的东西,因为它是非常地影响用户的感受。 好选择专业的摄像机拍摄照片,照片的质量有初步保障

Things with blue in the picture help to improve participation. Use light color background to look elegant and simple and set off the theme. Don't use watermarked images, and don't add watermarks yourself, because it affects users' feelings very much. It's best to choose a professional camera to take photos, and the quality of photos is preliminarily guaranteed
