
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

< p >后来我才知道, 这个男主管(K) 只比我早入职三个月,是在外贸线下面的B部门入职的,在入职后表现很好,被总经理钦定在我入职的A部门当见习主管,作为主管的委培人员。他招聘我入职,虽然入职的时候是业务员,但是也要从业务助理的事情开始做, 这样就能更快的熟悉岗位,K也负责带我一段时间,但他处于积累阶段,自顾不暇,没那么多时间来管我,就让我自生自灭的状态,能混出来就能留下。 但其实我所在的部门本身是有一个女主管(G)的,是经理的心腹,跟经理在这个公司打拼了五年,她简直就是办公室的摄像头和录音机,只要她在办公室,所有我们说过的话, 无论好坏都会被传到经理耳朵。对于刚入职的我们,那个时候的办公室简直就是风声鹤唳,那种隔 有耳的感觉简直要把人逼疯。幸好,我们一群几乎同时入职的女孩子,大家抱团能够在一起,彼此温暖,彼此加油。有时候因为被打小报告而受到责难,也有人敢挺身而出,直接指责打小报告的人。虽然现在看来都比较幼稚,但当时还是觉得很温暖。 

< p > later, I learned that this male supervisor (k) joined the post only three months earlier than me. He joined the post in department B under the foreign trade line. He performed very well after joining the post. He was appointed by the general manager to be a trainee supervisor in department a where I joined the post as a supervisor. He recruited me. Although he was a salesman when he joined, he should also start with the business assistant, so that he can get familiar with the post faster. K is also responsible for taking me for a period of time, but he is in the accumulation stage and is too busy to take care of himself. He doesn't have so much time to take care of me, so I can live and die by myself. If he can mix it out, he can stay. But in fact, there is a female supervisor (g) in my department. She is the confidant of the manager. She has worked with the manager in this company for five years. She is simply the camera and tape recorder in the office. As long as she is in the office, all the words we have said, good or bad, will be transmitted to the manager. For us who had just joined the company, the office at that time was frightened. The feeling that walls had ears was driving people crazy. Fortunately, we are a group of girls who join the job almost at the same time. We can hold together, warm each other and cheer each other on. Sometimes they are blamed for being made a small report, and some people dare to come forward and directly blame the person who made a small report. Although they seemed childish now, they still felt very warm at that time.  add likes to 转推 free,comprar seguidores 脸书 baratos

< p >因为我们时常搭档,甚至很多人开玩笑,让我们俩在一起,但当时我已经有男朋友了,而且一根筋地认为工作就是工作,绝对不会跟工作关系里面的人扯私人感情。 他当然也很清楚的知道,我们不会有任何除工作以外的联系。就这样,我们慢慢的搭档了好几年时间,他的能力也得到了总经理的认可,但是跟手下的人关系一直不怎么好。大家也不觉得他能力有多超群,何况他偶尔的自保是会舍弃任何同伴的。