
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

相较于 出口在3月份创下的21.3%的历史高点,4月出口明显回落至3.1%。分析认为,这一方面是由于去年4月份出口相继3月增速明显提升,抬高了今年4月出口的基数;另一方面,去年以来的抢出口效应透支了一部分今年的出口需求。

Compared with the historical high of 21.3% of China's exports in March, exports fell significantly to 3.1% in April. The analysis shows that, on the one hand, the export growth rate in April last year increased significantly in March, raising the export base in April this year; On the other hand, the export grab effect since last year has overdrawn part of this year's export demand.

据海关统计,今年前4个月, 货物贸易进出口总值9.51万亿元人民币,比去年同期(下同)增长4.3%。其中,出口5.06万亿元,增长5.7%;进口4.45万亿元,增长2.9%;贸易顺差6181.7亿元,扩大31.8%。