
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

增量向新兴市场转移。2017年10月底,我国移动电话用户总数已经达到14.03亿,保持着全球 大的移动通信市场地位,但渗透率的持续提升使手机的市场销量增幅已回落至个位数水平,手机厂商需不断寻求 市场突破。欧美日韩等发达市场由于智能手机普及率高,使新兴市场成为厂商寻求突破的重要选择。

Incremental transfer to emerging markets. By the end of October 2017, the total number of mobile phone users in China had reached 1.403 billion, maintaining the largest mobile communication market position in the world. However, the continuous improvement of penetration has brought the growth of mobile phone market sales back to the single digit level. Mobile phone manufacturers need to constantly seek breakthroughs in the international market. Due to the high popularity of smart phones in developed markets such as Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, emerging markets have become an important choice for manufacturers to seek breakthroughs.

尽管印度市场火爆,但美国仍然稳居建议市场 ,研究表明,美国仍然是手机出口的 重要目标市场,去年1~10月,我国手机出口总量和总量分别为1.01亿部和217.7亿美元,比去年同期增长7.7%和16.1%,高于整体增长水平。