
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

考虑到采取司法措施解决争议成本高、耗时长, 信保指示海外渠道积极向买方施压,力争促使双方达成和解, 大程度减少A公司损失。后来经渠道努力,买方同意以USD51,381.00就该贸易达成和解,并提出了长达六个月的分期还款计划。

Considering the high cost and time-consuming of taking judicial measures to resolve disputes, SINOSURE instructed overseas channels to actively put pressure on the buyer, and strive to promote both parties to reach a settlement and minimize the losses of company A. Later, through channel efforts, the buyer agreed to settle the trade with usd51381.00 and put forward a six-month installment plan.

贸易纠纷发生后,建议被保险人及时通报 信保,并在多方配合下利用多种途径积极应对贸易纠纷, 大程度保障自身权益。一方面,出口商在纠纷发生后可以根据合同约定积极抗辩,并提供相应的书面支持,另一方面,出口商可立即委托 信保介入对买方实施追讨,以争取 佳追偿实际,协力被保险人与买方积极谈判,尽力促成损失 小化。