
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

利用 Facebook 提供的语言优化功能打造本地化的游戏宣传广告,以便为一个营销活动创建多个语言版本,向尽可能多的玩家展示相应语言的广告。其次,借助 Facebook 的“仅限 Wi-Fi”定位选项,您的广告只会在适当的时机展示,确保谨慎使用移动流量的玩家有条件下载您的游戏。 后,我们还建议您综合使用 Facebook 提供的各种解决方案,包括应用事件优化 (App Event Optimization)、价值优化、类似受众和 Audience Network,以找到 有可能前往您的应用内商店、完成购买或观看应用内广告的玩家,以及更多与完成过应用内购买的人群类似的玩家。

Make use of the language optimization function provided by Facebook to create localized game advertisements, so as to create multiple language versions for a marketing campaign and show the corresponding language advertisements to as many players as possible. Second, with the help of Facebook's "Wi Fi only" positioning option, your ads will only be displayed at the right time, ensuring that careful users of mobile traffic have the conditions to download your game. Finally, we suggest that you use all kinds of solutions provided by Facebook, including app event optimization, value optimization, similar audiences and audience network, to find players who are most likely to go to your in app store, complete purchases or watch in app ads, and more players who are similar to those who have completed in app purchases.