
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

这两周主要干的事情其实就是加一些小组,关注一些公共主页,加一些好友,数量从5个开始,你如果确实搞不清楚,你可以以5的倍数每增加 就可以增加一个倍数,这个时候到30天结束的时候,你的这个账号想疯都很难了。

In fact, the main thing in the past two weeks is to add some groups, pay attention to some public homepages, and add some friends. The number starts from five. If you really don't know, you can increase by a multiple of five every day. At this time, it's very difficult for your account to go crazy at the end of 30 days.