
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   


First of all, if you have Greek customers, you should pay attention that they believe in the Greek state religion. The gesture of waving must not be used, because the Greeks are disgusted with this gesture. This gesture of waving has a meaning of "going to hell" in the Greek nation, which is similar to our regular middle finger to insult each other, The gesture of waving is actually an insult to the Greeks.

另外就是对于宠物猫的忌讳一定要知道。因为在希腊猫是阴间的使者,不论是养猫还是玩耍猫都会会被认为是不祥的征兆,这个就类似于我们 有些偏远山区对猫头鹰(报丧鸟)的理解认知一样。所以有希腊客户的要特别注意这一点。