
Mon 14 November 2022

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Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

5. 海外电商直邮:典型玩家是亚马逊。优势在于,有全球优质供应链物流体系和丰富的SKU;痛点是,跨境电商 终还是要比拼境内转化销售能力,对本土用户消费需求的把握就尤为重要,亚马逊是否真的能做好本土下沉还有待考量。

5. Overseas e-commerce direct mail: the typical player is Amazon. The advantage is that it has a global high-quality supply chain logistics system and rich SKUs; The pain point is that cross-border e-commerce finally has to compete for the domestic transformation sales capacity. It is particularly important to grasp the consumption demand of local users. Whether Amazon can really do a good job in local sinking remains to be considered.

4. 创业公司:在混战中求生。巨头们的加入进一步推进了价格战的提早到来,很多初创企业模式还在摸索,海外正在拓展,供应链正在构建,资金还没到位,就像一群还没有穿好装备的士兵被硬着头皮拽上了战场,死伤惨烈估计是避免不了。能活下来的要不就是选择了比较聪明的方向,要不就是已经穿好了装备,又或是后来居上的可能性也不是没有。