
Mon 14 November 2022

脸书谷歌亚马逊等联手白宫 组成特别应对小组抗击疫情|Facebook帐户如何养号?这些危险操作要注意!|Instagram 让业务流程变得更简单

Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

Domestic e-commerce live broadcasting is in full swing, which makes many small cross-border e-commerce partners want to copy the domestic live broadcasting mode overseas. When people choose platforms, they often struggle to know who is better to promote Facebook and Youtube celebrities. In this paper, Shenzhen hot marketing company Xiaobian will take the live broadcast industry as an example to talk about which of the two platforms is more suitable for the red man live broadcast.

虽然YouTube和Facebook是互联网上 大的社交平台,但它们都有超过20亿用户,两者都是为了独特的目的而使用的。 初,YouTube是一个个个人共享、观看原创视频的平台,同时也为人们提供了一个公开交流的论坛。同时,YouTube也成为了一个视频内容分发平台,让大量的原创内容创作者成为社交媒体网红。