
Mon 14 November 2022


Posted by www.jiazao888.com in blog/adetail   

据介绍,新版《协调制度》涉及242组目录修订,4位数品目调整至1222个,6位数子目调整至5387个,对一些 贸易总量较低的商品目录予以合并或删除,简化和优化了《协调制度》的目录结构。同时,对部分类注、章注和子目注释作了修订,有利于进一步明确商品归类规则,减少归类争议。

It is reported that the new version of the harmonized system involves the revision of 242 groups of catalogues, the number of 4-digit items is adjusted to 1222, and the number of 6-digit subitems is adjusted to 5387. Some commodity catalogues with low total international trade are merged or deleted, simplifying and optimizing the directory structure of the harmonized system. At the same time, some class notes, chapter notes and sub item notes are revised, which is conducive to further clarify the commodity classification rules and reduce the classification disputes.